
Chair Grijalva: Trump Administration Changes to NEPA Implementation Are Illegal, More About Protecting Polluters Than Listening to the Public

Washington, D.C. – Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) released the following statement on the Trump administration’s revisions to federal rules on implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

“The Trump administration’s NEPA rule revisions, like its revisions to every other environmental law it touches, are about giving polluters more political power and protecting them from public scrutiny. These changes mean polluting corporations will have an easier time doing whatever they want, wherever they want, with even less consideration for climate change or local concerns than they’ve shown so far. More people will get sick from pollution, more money will have to be spent rebuilding ill-conceived projects, and more preventable climate impacts will go unaddressed. Polluting industries need more public oversight, not less, and supporting this approach means ignoring real-world consequences in favor of Trump administration fairy tales. The courts have been crystal clear that NEPA requires considering climate impacts, so this is just another inevitably doomed effort by this administration to try to illegally rewrite the rules it doesn’t like. The president should do everyone involved a favor and hire more diligent lawyers.”

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Adam Sarvana

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